Brooklands Bentley Drivers Club

March 20, 2016  •  1 Comment

On March 20th, we headed back down to Brooklands, for their Bentley Drivers Club Driving Tests Day. The Bentleys came in all shapes, ages and sizes to pit their wits against the course laid out. Speed played much less importance than precision driving, and much fun was had by all entrants.

One of the more modern machines, but still full of exquisite detail.


The cars stood side by side in the paddock, youngsters and oldies. all wearing the flying B with pride.


A few generations apart, but still the same family.


Bentley's are like  fine wine, they do age magnificently!

The Flying B resplendent in gold.


The fun began, as wooden bunnies were pushed over with a stick by the driver.


Bentley Bear had to be taken for a ride in the roller skate around the course without crashing or falling over, whilst under the eagle eye of the marshall.

The more usual era of Bentley normally associated with Brooklands.


A vintage Bentley on the banking. What more can you ask for?


Some people would say, 'The right car in the right setting' and I would have to agree with that!


May be resting but still looking purposeful.


The spectators are getting smaller these days!


The beauty of Brooklands is that around every corner there is something to discover, and it was no exception on this day!


As far removed from a display of Bentleys as you could possibly get, but charming in their own right all the same.

Once again another enjoyable trip, many thanks to everyone that helped make the event happen. 


Steve Lindsey(non-registered)
It was our pleasure to help the With the marshalling of this event for southern Bdc. It was pleasent for us as marshals because we can laugh at you all getting things upside down and wrong and it's surprising that hardly any of your members. Knew the circumference of your road tyres 3 revolutions is a long way longer than you thought in all cases except mr grimwade who got within 4 inches., it was fun for us, we're glad you enjoyed the challenges. We set for you., Steve.2. The one at the top of the hill ,
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